UBC to host MiniComi 2 on July 7

UBC will be hosting the second annual MiniComi Festival at the Student Union Building (SUB) this Saturday from 10am to 7pm. The festival bills itself as a spiritual successor to Comiket, featuring work from local artists, doujinshi, and Cosplay. Of course, if you send us your pictures from the event, we’ll be sure to post them here!


Source: MiniComi 2.

Source Film Maker Beta Now Available from Valve

Over the past little while, Valve Software has been releasing very charming and disturbing series of “Meet the Team” videos from the hit free-to-play shooter Team Fortress 2. They’ve produced the shorts using a super secret form of middleware called the Source Film Maker, and now they’re releasing Beta Keys to see what the community can come up with. So far, they’ve turned this:

Into this:

and this:

You can sign up for a beta key of your very own at the Source Filmmaker website.