Halo: Archetype fan-film teaser introduces the first Spartan

A teaser trailer for a new Halo fan film has surfaced on Youtube. Halo: Archetype is the story of the first genetically enhanced Spartan Soldier created to fight the Covenant. The live action and CGI blend seamlessly together for what looks to be a fun ride through the Halo Universe. The facebook page says that the full  film is in preproduction. Whoever they get to work on that film, I hope they keep the voice-over from the trailer. There aren’t enough gravelly voices in fan films.

Source: Joystiq.

Unites Front Games Announces Sleeping Dogs

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Yaletown’s United Front Games, producer of Mod Nation Racers for Playstation has announced a new open-world cop drama called Sleeping Dogs. The game is a spiritual successor to Activision’s True Crime series. You play as undercover cop Wei-shen as infiltrates the highest levels of the Hong Kong Triad. The game will feature, car chases, kung fu, gunplay and all your favourite elements from the best Hong Kong action films. Sleeping Dogs will be released in the latter half of 2012 for PS3, Xbox360, and PC platforms.

Source: United Front Games.

Anime Evolution Returns!

I’m not quite sure how it happened, but Anime Evolution has returned! According to the official website, the ownership of the convention was turned over from the former corporate entity to an official BC non-profit society. This means that Anime Evolution will be able to have partnerships with other conventions, like Sakuracon and Anime Expo. For now, they will be focusing on restoring their forums, honouring pre-sold attendee passes for Anime Evolution 2011, and running events in 2012. There will be a booth at Kotatsu on February 25th. What form will the new convention take? Where will it be held? More importantly, what is their relationship with Anime Revolution? Are the two conventions related, or are we headed for the Anime Convention Walk-off of the century? Keep an eye on this space for more info!

Source: Anime Evolution Website