Win Tickets to EMP Museum’s Latest Exhibit from the Geeky Hostess!

The EMP museum in Seattle is opening their “Icons of Science Fiction” Exhibit this Friday, and the Geeky Hostess is holding a contest for free tickets! The exhibit will feature exhibits from Star Trek, The Matrix, The Terminator, and even Doctor Who! Here’s how to enter.

Any of the following counts as one entry–do as many as you like, but leave a separate comment for each so it counts! I will randomly pick a winner on Friday, June 1st and your name will appear on Will Call for the June 8th event.

Leave a comment letting me know which part of the exhibition you can’t wait to see!
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Want more chances to win? Enter the EMP Museum’s contest to win tickets to the party AND an overnight stay at Hotel Max! Or skip the chances and just purchase tickets to the event.

The Geeky Hostess.

VANCAF 2012 Con Report & Gallery

The Vancouver Comic Arts Festival was welcomed with gorgeous weather this Saturday. Northwest crowds now have a reputation for filling out events like this, and today was no exception. The convention floor was packed with attendees and exhibitors. The Yaletown Roundhouse was a great venue with a mixture of modern and historical decor. I saw and met many of my favourites here,  but I also discovered comics that I had never heard of that are hits by any objective standard.  It just goes to show how important these events are. Google’s pretty good, but it can’t introduce you to all these comics in one search query. I mean, how much is a Post-it comic like Savage Chickens going to have in common with a medieval comedy epic like Much the Miller’s Son? Hit the jump if you want to see more of pictures of the convention and the exhibitors.

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The Kids’ Battlestar Galactica Viper Simulator Flies At Last!

Remember that Battlestar Galactica Viper simulator being built by some highschool students a couple of months ago? Well, they brought the thing to Maker Faire, and it works! It does 360 degrees of pitch, yaw, and roll! There wasn’t any time to modify the simulator software so they could take that sucker out for a spin over New Caprica, but it’s here, it works, and it’s awesome!


Gateworld Covers The Unreleased Stargate SG-1:Alliance FPS Game

Gateworld has released an exposé on the fate of another Stargate SG-1 Video game, Alliance. Stargate was licensed to Perception Studios to make a PC and Playstation 2 first person shooter. Unfortunately, the project fell apart in 2006, likely a casualty of the shaky transition between console generations. The game features voice work from the actual cast of the show, including the late Don S. Davis. Between this and the unfortunate Stargate Worlds MMO, it seems like so much money has been left on the table by MGM over Stargate. Then again, this may be an opportunity for the franchise to breath for while until we are ready to step through the gate once again.


Xbox 360 Could be Banned in the US!

Judge David Shaw of the US International Trade Commission has recommended that the Xbox 360 be banned in the US due to a patent dispute with Motorola over its H.264 video compression technology. When questioned about how that would be fair to consumers, Shaw just said that Nintento and Sony could pick up demand. Nintendo and Sony? Wow, I don’t think Mr. Shaw knows that your maxbox platters don’t go playmation slot. If his colleagues agree with him, the matter will go to President Barack Obama for a final say on the matter.

Source: TDW Geeks.

Pinky, Bubbles, Bender, Ren, Stimpy, and Everyone Else Perform Star Wars at ECCC

Last March, the Emerald City Comic-con bore witness to the Epicest Epic that ever…Epicced! A Super Team of voice actors featuring Billy West, Tara Strong, Maurice LaMarche, John DiMaggio, Kevin Conroy, Jess Harnell and Rob Paulsen brought a trusty set of scripts from Star Wars: A New Hope and performed the greatest impromptu performance of Star Wars: The Radio Drama ever conceived. All of the actors place their most popular characters in the roles of their lifetimes. Pinky and Bender play Luke, Bubbles plays Darth Vader, and the rest…you will just have to watch the video to find out!

Source: Topless Robot

Come to the Vancouver Comic Arts Festival This Weekend! #VANCAF

The Vancouver Comic Arts Festival is happening on May 25 and 26th at 181 Roundhouse Mews in Yaletown, Vancouver! There will be over 60 independent and webcomic artists in attendances, including Christopher Hart of The Adventures of Dr. McNinja and Camilla D’Errico of Tanpopo. Best of all, the price is FREE!!! Let’s see if we can break some fire codes here, fellow Raingeeks. This is the future of comics and pop culture. Come down and say hello!

Source: Vancouver Comic Arts Festival

SyFy’s Sanctuary Ends with Season 4

SyFy had to make some difficult choices this season, and one of those was the cancellation of Amanda Tapping’s Sanctuary. The show will not air any new episodes past its 13 episode run that ended last december. Syfy will be replacing the show with their new “metaseries”, Defiance. Fortunately Tapping and crew won’t stay on the sidelines for long as the Canadian version of Primeval begins production this year.

Source: Hollywood Reporter.

Douglas Coupland Proposes Wi-Fi Utility Pole for Vancouver

Douglas Coupland, author of  Generation X and J-Pod unveiled a new concept for urban wireless services at New Cities Summit in Paris last week. The V-Pole (As in Vancouver Pole) could provide cell phone service, city-wide wi-fi, and even electrical vehicle recharging using one modular design.  Coupland says the design will streamline the ever-increasing  number of wireless services in urban areas:

“In three years there will be 30 times more wireless data traffic than there is now,” said Coupland. “Unless we act quickly, our streets could be as cluttered as a kitchen junk drawer. No one wants that… This is an inevitable technology and a massive entrepreneurial opportunity,”

Vancouver Mayor Greg Roberts has expressed interest in the project. The fact that this technology even exists is cool enough. Having it in Vancouver would be even better! I just hope we don’t have to deal with the same kind of NIMBY people like we did with the BC hydro smart meters.

Source: Vancouver Courier

Valve Teaming up with Overkill Software for Non-Half-Life 3 Goodness

Sweden’s Overkill Software, creators of Payday: The Heist are teaming up with Valve Software for a new FPS project. Details are scant, but the new game appears to be a cross-over between Left 4 Dead and Overkill’s respected Bank Robbing Shooter. Could we be robbing banks after a Zombie Apocalypse for useless paper? If it’s the undead guarding lost treasure, it sounds like Dungeons and Dragons transplanted to the modern age which…sounds pretty cool actually! Details of the project will likely arise at E3.


Source: Reviews on the Run.