Image Engine Opens New Facility at Great Northern Way

The Digital Media Center on Great Northern Way in Vancouver continues to expand with a new facility opened by Image Engine, the special effects house responsible for District 9 and Twilight: Breaking Dawn. The new unit will provide rotoscoping work for Image Engine’s 2012-2013 productions, R.I.P.D. and Elysium. They hope to provide jobs for the many graduates of Vancouver’s Visual Effects schools, which provide 70% of their new hires.


Source: MarketWatch.

Vancouver Cringes Painfully at Its own Stereotypes

As part of its ongoing mission to define and depict Canadian Culture, the CBC has posted a video about Vancouver Stereotypes that are absolutely true. I will point out that spending an entire minute on our “rioting” ways confirms the larger Canadian stereotype of politeness. In the grand scheme of rioting cities, Vancouver is kind of chump change. We did, however, raise protesting to industry level with the invention of Greenpeace and Adbusters.

Source: Vancity Buzz

Penny Arcade Adventures 3 is Reborn

Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness was all but cancelled at PAX East 2010. Flagging sales and  a long, painful “he said, she said” rift between Penny Arcade and the developer, Hothead had sealed the series from any future instalments. But now, a 3rd episode is finally on the horizon by way of Cthulhu Saves the World developer Zeboyd games. The dynamic Duo of Bill Stiernberg and Robert Boyd have teamed up with Penny Arcade’s Jeff Kalles to create a retro RPG adventure using a combination of Final Fantasy V‘s graphics and Grandia‘s combat system. The new game will be available over Steam, iOS, Google Play and (sigh) Xbox live Indie Channel for $2.99 this summer.

Source: Joystiq