Sakuracon Fashion Police?!

A very odd piece of advertising came through my google alerts the other day. Some dude or production company is looking for

…two female spokesmodels / on-camera talent that have no problem walking up to and interviewing people around the convention. Think of Joan Rivers at the Oscars, you ask people where they are from, what they are dressed as, etc. This would be a great gig for two friends that would like to attend the event, and make some money while having a great time!

Costume is not required but you will need to at least dress up for the affair. Preferably, I am hoping to have at least one person who can speak fluent Japanese. The finished production will be a series of shorts that will be aired on-line, and hopefully picked up by Japanese television.

I will pay for your admission to the event, plus food and drinks, plus $50 cash for each day we shoot. We will be working for no more than 4 hours each day, so this is a quick fun and easy way to be a part of this event!

My first thought is that even for $50 day, this guy needs to manage his expectations. No one speaking fluent Japanese is going to roll out of bed for less than union scale. Second of all, while Joan Rivers at the Oscars sounds like fun, you also might end up with Joan Rivers who rips celebrities a new one each week on Fashion Police (which I do watch on a regular basis). That kind of humour is gold when your talking about an ingenue chickie wearing a $20,000 dress she didn’t pay for, but not so much when you’re talking to a broke college student who spent 72 hours on her own palatial ball gown. And then there’s the issue that this is a craigslist ad. So what do you think, internet? Is this the beginnings of a cosplay documentary that the whole family will enjoy, or is it simply code for an escort service?