Seattle PI Liveblogs The Hunger Games Q & A

Tim Hall, a blogger over at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, was on hand at the Hunger Games event at the University Mall in Seattle. Here’s his synopsis of the goings on.

  • The event planners and security let the rest of the kids on the outside get into the gated area. Awesome move by them. Those kids were so excited. I know because my ears hurt.
  • Talked to a woman who’s been in line since 9:00PM. Not 9:00AM. And yes, a grown woman. These Hunger Games fans are taking fandom to new heights.
  • When Jennifer, Josh, and Liam came walking out the Microsoft Store it got really loud. It felt like a Seahawks game.
  • I saw multiple kids crying, shaking, and crying some more. I wonder if I met Ken Griffey Jr. when I was 14 if I would’ve reacted like this.
  • Liam Hemsworth kept looking to my side of the stage causing the girl behind me to scream incredibly loud, regardless of how close she was to my ears.
  • The Q&A went well. The cast members answered questions from the crowd. I recorded the Q&A but all that came out was AHHHAAAAAAA and WILL YOU MARRY MEEEEEEEEEEEE! I think every cast member was asked to prom.
  • There was more crying and more screaming. These kids were losing it more and more every minute.
  • The cast members waved goodbye just like that it was over.

It sounds like the live event organizers once again underestimated the popularity of a young adult novel, and poor Tim had to go home with a tape recorder full of nothing but screaming. It still sounds like the fans had fun, and the opening night of the film will be nothing short of a gong show.

Stereopony’s Message for Sakura-con

Sakura-con’s Musical guest Stereopony has recorded a very special message for their fans coming to Sakura-con next month. Apparently, this will be their first time performing on the west coast, and they discuss what they could do that’s particular to our neck of the woods. Seattle’s not much for beaches, but perhaps there’s some good hiking this time of year?

Source: Very Good Days

Battlestar Galactica Roller Coaster at Universal Studios Singapore

For the love of all that is holy, THERE EXISTS A BATTLESTAR GALACTICA ROLLER COASTER!! There are two entrances to the ride, human and cylon. One coaster is standing, the other leaves your feet dangling in space. Both coasters twist and turn in a desperate dogfight for galactic supremacy. Nothing could be more awesome than this if only it weren’t 10,000 miles away in Singapore. Realize this and despair. So say we all.

Source: YouTube.