Flynn lives, and So Does Tron 3, Apparently

The writers of Vancouver-filmed Tron: Legacy have been dropping hints about the plot of the new movie at Wonder-Con, including the revelation that Kevin Flynn and Tron might be still alive. In response to a question about Jeff Bridges’ character. Adam Horowitz said, ” I would say the definition of life and death in the digital realm…” and Edward Kitsis finished with, “…will be explored in the next movie.” What can we say? The dude abides.




Saving Hope to air June 7 and Michael Shanks Joins Twitter

NBC has announced June 7 at 10PM EST as the air date for pilot episode of Stargate Alumnus Michael Shanks’ new series, Saving Hope. To promote the show, Shanks has performed an act he once said he would would “rather pick his own eyeballs out with a toothpick.” He has joined Twitter under the handle @MichaelShanks. The account was previously handled by his Official website Michael Shanks Online, which has now switched to @MShanksOnline.


CW’s Green Arrow Costume Revealed

The CW has released the first photos of the Green Arrow’s new costume for the new TV series Arrow. It looks like the colourful comic book look of the original hero has been eschewed for a darker, edgier look. Again. I understand that masked heroes have to be good at hiding to protect their identities, but is all that brooding really necessary?

Source:Topless Robot